Monday, February 28, 2011

Swimming even when it is cold

We had the coldest weekend of the year and the kids went swimming!  Ok, so we did go to Palm Springs where it was a little warmer.  We went to hang with the family at Grandma & Grandpa Robbin's house.

Aunt Jayne braved the cold with the kids.
Jeremiah spent most of his time tossing the football around,but, that is how he spends most of his time lately.

We had to enjoy some of the oranges off the tree from the backyard.
I had to play with my iphone apps on the drive.  Kinda of fun ;)

Grandma and Grandpa Anderson come to visit

G and G Anderson came to visit last week.  The kids were so excited.... and so was Matt he made some homemade gumbo for them.  Everyone liked it, I think he is becoming a cook.  That would be good for me ;)  Now if I can get him to cook something not so spicy so I can eat it too.

Wellness and Weapons

Bryce has had pneumonia and has not been himself.  I knew he was feeling better and that life was returning to normal when he picked up his weapons.  I captured these "feeling better" photos with my handy iphone.

Carli has been sick too.  It was good to see her jumping on the tramp and doing gymnastics again when she was feeling better.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cars, bugs and boys....

Jeremiah was so excited to race his pine wood derby car.

The kids made these fun cars and enjoyed eating them

Jeremiah is the brown car he took second
The kids found a lizard in are backyard

Bryce painted this photo and said, "this is a bother and sister at war."

My Valentines

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentines Day Celebrations

I made heart shaped waffles
for breakfast.... I had good plans for the day but it turned out to be one of those days.  After breakfast Carli was running a high fever and had to go back to bed and miss her sock hop at school.  Jeremiah was fine and he was kind enough to take her box to school for her.  I had a UTI and had to drag Bryce and a sick Carli to the Dr. office.  We didn't get home until it was time to get Jeremiah from school and by that time everyone was exhausted. 
I made Cupcakes for my sunday school class and the kids of course.
Carli and Bryce created Valentine boxes.  Jeremiah informed me he is too old now and just wanted to take a bag to school.  It is sad to see them grow up and give up on some of the fun stuff.
Watch out or cupid will get you in his cross fires ;)
For FHE we told each other all the things we love about one another.  It was fun to hear the kids answers.  Bryce even understood the concept and he told Jeremiah he loves that he helps him and plays with him, he told Carli he loves that she plays GYM with him and he told Matt he loves that he closes his door (that is what we do when he won't stay in his bed at night)  Matt and I had a good laugh at that one.  It was a loving day and ended on a good note.  Matt made steak for us and we had a nice candle light dinner after the kids were in bed.