Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spookey Sightings

Pumpkin Patch
Carli picked a big one

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Pick a good one Bryce


The kids were really into the black smith

decorating pumpkins

Do I see a resemblance?
defiantly a little resemblance there

my goofy pumpkin heads
batman to the rescue
I LOVE this photo. .. it is the look he gives me when he has something really important to tell me.
Bryce at his preschool program

He was into the singing at first but then as he realized people where watching him he sang less
see his shy look... and then he told me it is time for me to go. He likes preschool better when mommy doesn't come.  A little sad for me... but at least he is independent.

Buzz and batman are buddies they have playdates every day after school.
I made these for Carli to take to her dance Halloween party.
Batman gives Halloween 2 thumbs up
Our little girl is bewitching 
At the last minute he ditched his original costume to be a Raiders football player... he wasn't very liked in this Chargers area
"Best Brothers"
as Bryce would say

Ward Trunk or Treat was a HIT
Jeremiah and his best friend Ian
Carli had to coach Bryce on how to do the Halloween Parade
The witch has a candy corn treat
AKA her good friend Calie


  1. Heather, I absolutely loved all the pictures. As I have so often said, those kids are so lucky to have all these pictures taken of them when they get to be adults. Honestly, I have about four or five pictures of me and that's all. They will have so many neat memories because these pictures will certainly bring them all back to them. I loved the way they decorated their pumpkins and their costumes were all terrific too. That Jeremiah is getting to be such a handsome boy. Carli is truly a bewiching witch and Bryce makes a mighty good Batman. Their dad is pretty handsome too!! I am so glad to have these and I am going to have Dick make me copies of my favorites.
